The Gratitude Journal

Remember the gratitude journal trend of the 90’s? It needs to come back. I want to bring it back, now more than ever. Jotting down 5 things a day that you are grateful for creates an attitude than can change your altitude, as the saying goes. It might not be that simple at first but it becomes simple. Some days, you may write generic “gratitudes” and you can mix in complex ones, too.

What you’ll find is that it is contagious! You want to reach for your gratitude journal daily to keep the momentum going. Just like meditation, you’ll build up the ability to start thinking more positively, too. Remember your parents or mentors preaching to you to “Count your blessings.”? This is what you are basically doing. You are not only counting them but you are listing them. You are committing them to memory. And because of the latter, you are holding that happiness, gratitude, contemplativeness and reflection in your psyche all day long.

One major benefit of the gratitude journal is that you remember to be thankful for so much even despite the negative things that happen. There’s always more good that outweighs the bad. You remind yourself that when you actively keep a gratitude journal. Give the gift of a gratitude journal, too. Then, you’ll spread that positivity to others.

My Goddaughter (Christianna) once gave me a journal that had bible verses in it. On each page, a bible verse had my name inserted into the verse. That was powerful. It felt like God was talking to me! It was a good way to learn a bible verse daily, too. I used that journal as a health and fitness tracker, actually. I liked it so much, I reordered it the next year. This was a gift that kept on giving because it sent me daily inspiration.

Recently, I started creating gratitude journals (and journals in general used for many purposes). I want to bring back this trend, this lifestyle practice. I am going to store them on my bookshelves and I hope my children or future grandchildren find them and read them one day. Then, my gratitude may live on in posterity!

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