A Magic Carpet Ride

       A Magic Carpet Ride is a travel book about family travels and personal journeys.

“It was hard to comprehend how blue the ocean was on these Rodos beaches. We parked our rental car on the side of a village road to take photos. Outside of a restaurant called Panorama Cafe, we stood there in disbelief to absorb the panoramic view. It was at that moment that I first realized that the ocean water in Greece has layers to its hues.
Closest to the shore, the water is clear, then green, then Mediterranean blue, then navy blue and then, miraculously, purple. Together they make that Grecian blue but if you look closely, it’s layers of blue except on the island of Lefkada, where it is solidly the most turquoise blue the eye can absorb. It was opaque, thick, sensuous and shockingly turquoise blue.

On the boat cruises through the Ionian islets off Lefkada, all I can remember feeling is ecstasy of physical feelings of happiness and peace. The body was totally consumed with the feeling of happiness, separate and together with the mind and soul. Every fiber of my being was out there in that sea of turquoise, lapping up every breeze, every wave crashing, every beam and ray of sun shining on us.”

Click here to order book on Amazon:


or buy one at the Tulsa Greek Festival book signing and other Greek festivals.

Click on link to order.  You can read the first chapter as well the back cover. Profits go to various charities.

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Rhodos from internet

In writing this book, I learned even more historic facts about the various countries we visited. There are recommended hotels, restaurants, excursions and recipes  included as well as cultural nuances and historic factoids.…for those who are interested! There’s also a lesson plan for children illustrating how to implement itinerary building collaborations.

Click here to order the book : https://www.amazon.com/dp/069271393X/ref=cm_sw_su_dp

The book has been available in the following Tulsa stores and festivals:

  • Ribbons
  • Dwelling Spaces
  • Tulsa Artery
  • Decopolis

© Gina Michalopulos Kingsley

follow us on Instagram: gypsyfamilytravel

With every destination on this blog (international or domestic), you can apply this lesson plan to build trip itineraries with your family. The menu tab on the far left “About Gypsy Family Travel” has all the educational blogs and the far right tab “Quizzes” has both quizzes and answer keys.

Travel Lesson Plan: Integrate the Concepts

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